Hi, It's Me! I have ADHD! Birthday Sale!
Hardcover Binding

Republished on July 12, 2022, Hi, It's Me! I Have ADHD earned 2nd Place in the 2020 Purple Dragonfly Awards - Special Needs / Disability Awareness and was named 1 of the 100 ADHD Books of All Time by BookAuthority.


From thinking fast, to thinking slow, from feeling high, to feeling low; this busy child wishes adults could see inside her head. Based on the author's personal experience with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, "Hi, It's Me" shares the thoughts, feelings, emotions, and experiences of a child dealing with the many challenges of ADHD. 

 Offering insight into the world of ADHD and presenting a list of tips and printable coloring/journal pages; this rhyming picture book helps children struggling with ADHD feel empowered. It lets kids know that the diagnosis does NOT define them and that there are so many gifts beneath the diagnosis. It communicates that they can find peace knowing they're not alone in how they think and feel.

Celebrate Hi, It's Me's birthday by purchasing your copy below!


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